

Off-roading can be hard on your vehicle. You're constantly pushing it to the limits, and sometimes things break. That's why it's important to have a good understanding of when and how to properly retorque your off-road upgrades. Our experts at Underdog Motorsports are here to give you the lowdown on everything you need to know. Keep reading for more!

Why is it important to retorque your off-road upgrades after installation?

Having lift kits and other aftermarket upgrades installed on your 4x4 or off-road vehicle is often the key to unlocking its potential. However, what many don't realize is that it's important to retorque these parts after installation in order to ensure that they remain secure and safe. If proper steps aren’t taken during installation, you may end up in a dangerous situation down the line. That’s why Underdog Motorsports has made it a priority to provide reliable information for ensuring that all lift kits, wheel spacers and other off-road modifications remain securely fastened. By taking the time to retorque these components, you can rest assured knowing that your vehicle will be ready for some real adventure!

How often should you retorque your bolts/screws/nuts?

When it comes to off-road and 4x4 parts, it's essential to re-torque bolts, screws, and nuts according to a specified schedule. Retorquing helps extend the life of the parts, ensuring proper clamping force to maintain tight connections between your vehicle’s components. At Underdog Motorsports we recommend retorquing your bolts after the first 500 miles of travel, then again every 5,000 miles afterwards or as needed in extreme climates and terrains. This will help keep your vehicle running smoothly for years to come, giving you peace of mind when taking on any adventure! This service comes at no extra charge.

What are the consequences of not properly maintaining your off-road vehicle's torque settings?

Taking safety into consideration, it is important to regularly maintain your off-road vehicle's torque settings as failure to do so can have some potentially hazardous consequences. When torque settings are not in check, your vehicle is at risk of having a loose or badly adjusted suspension, which can cause the vehicle to handle sluggishly and become unstable while in motion. Another consequence you could face is that the components of your vehicle could become damaged due to inadequate tightening. Furthermore, safety measures such as safety belts may not be secured properly when there is an incorrect torque pressure. For these reasons and more, Underdog Motorsports encourages everyone to frequently check their off-road vehicles' torque settings and ensure they are properly adjusted for safety on the trails.

Don't be like John!

John was an avid off-roader who loved nothing more than the thrill of hitting the trails and exploring new terrain in the Arizona Desert. He had recently installed a lift kit, wheel spacers and other off-road modifications to his 4x4 vehicle, but he had neglected to properly retorque them after installation. Little did he know that this oversight would lead to disaster.

One day, John decided to take his modified 4x4 out for a spin on some rougher terrain than usual. Unfortunately, the lack of proper torque settings caused several components to become loose and the suspension became unstable. As he drove along, his car suddenly veered off course and went careening down an embankment. The vehicle tumbled wildly and eventually came to a crashing stop in a pile of trees at the bottom of the hill.

John walked away from the accident with minor injuries, but it could have been much worse if he hadn't taken precautions such as wearing his seatbelt or slowing down before attempting steep hills. His vehicle was a total loss due to the extent of damage caused by the crash. Fortunately, John learned a valuable lesson about proper maintenance and retorquing of off-road parts that day: always take precautionary measures when installing aftermarket upgrades!

To be honest, we made John’s story up, but it could be 100% true if we don't follow the mentioned advice.

When in doubt, always consult a professional mechanic or technician!

When you’re in doubt as to which parts to purchase for your off-road or 4x4 vehicle, it’s always best to consult with a professional. A professional mechanic or technician has the knowledge and experience necessary to provide you with accurate information, helping you make informed and cost-effective choices that will maximize the performance of your vehicle. At Underdog Motorsports, we wholeheartedly endorse the advice of a skilled professional for taking full advantage of our wide selection of quality parts.

Mechanic retorquing

To conclude this blog post, it is important to remember why it is crucial to retorque your off-road upgrades after installation and how often that should be done. If the torque settings are not properly maintained, it could cause serious damage to the vehicle, potentially leading to costly repairs or replacements. Above all else, safety should always come first. Any time there is any doubt as to the status of any parts on your vehicle, it is best to play it safe and consult a professional mechanic or technician. At Underdog Motorsports we take pride in our ability to help you make an informed decision when purchasing off-road parts or accessories. When you're ready for a checkup or upgrade, book an appointment with us online or give us a call! We strive for excellence when it comes to customer service and satisfaction. Allow us the opportunity to show you why we are a leader in off-road upgrades and repairs.


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